Marking Time
I was torn, this morning, between stopping at McGoons to drop of my back and hang out my towel and going straight into town to get some breakfast, and especially a donut. Since there was a possibility no one was home, and since it's a rainy day again, I went into town. But instead of going to my favorite bakery, I stopped at the MH (Morris Hedstrom, the island's leading grocery store that goes back to the 1800s as a trading post named after it's founder) to get some fruit and saw an indian couple order some cream buns -- essentially a plain bun filled with a scoop of sweetened, whipped butter.
I should have got the donut.
I sat in the market watching pedestrians pass and ate an unripe pear, the cream bun, and some semi-sweetened grapefruit juice. I received a lingering scowl from a pretty indian girl, I don't know why.
So anyway, it feels like I'm just marking time for another week waiting for the yacht to sail, which I'm betting won't be till Monday or even Tuesday. They're in no hurry, and I'm in no position to rush them, and I empathize with their carefree scheduling. But it means several days in Suva with nothing to do. I might rent a car and go to the Coral Coast, but I have to be back on Friday to clear customs and I'm essentially on call from Saturday night on.
I'm planning on watching a netball (girls basketball where they're not allowed to dribble) game tonight and a dance competition tomorrow (thursday) for the secondary (high school) students, but those are short evening activities and not particularly thrilling.
I guess the price of a trip to Australia is another week wasted plus return airfare.
I'm really anxious to go to the outer islands. I'd especially like to go to Kadavu and build a small boat and putter around the many bays just exploring, fishing, and camping out, and maybe find a couple surf breaks. I should be able to do that in october, and Laisa and Masi's relatives could probably serve as a base. Dodo was going to go with me if we went next week, because he's starting his two weeks break then. That'd be perfect and give me two months to do it, but I'm going to Australia instead, and then I'll only have like 3 weeks when I get back. Not even enough time to build the boat. Plus, I'd still like to see Taveuni, the garden island and go diving; and Yacata, the really small, really remote island.
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